But this morning I’m so… tired… I googled “evelyn evelyn” so that I could post future tour dates: http://www.evelynevelyn.com/news.html Google provided me “controversy” as a possible — what would you call that? Phrase completer? Anyway, so that’s how I found out there is a controversy. I guess. http://community.feministing.com/2010/02/evelyn-evelyn-fandom-and-joke.html On theContinue Reading

Showbox at the Market tonight: http://www.showboxonline.com/market/eventdetail.php?id=26985 I am going and hope to run into Seattle people there. Actually, I’m hoping to run into Seattle goth community people who I haven’t seen since the Sisters of Mercy concert, but I dunno how likely that is. And if I’m alllll alllloooone that’sContinue Reading

How ‘The Karate Kid’ ruined the modern world (by introducing the concept of the training montage) So, people bail on diets. Not just because they’re harder than they expected, but because they’re so much harder it seems unfair, almost criminally unjust. You can’t shake the bitter thought that, "This amountContinue Reading