Yes, I did eventually decide to see New Moon on its final day at the Cinerama. My thinking was like this: if I had never heard of it before, a movie with solidly middling reviews that promised me hot, shirtless werewolf boys battling hot, shirtless vampire boys would have seemedContinue Reading

Okay, I’m buying tickets for this show: —- Home for the Horrordays is Saturday, December 19th, at El Corazon with Schoolyard Heroes, These Arms Are Snakes, Kane Hodder, Sirens Sister, and special guests. Doors are at 7 pm, it’s all ages, and tickets are available for $15. —- Who’s withContinue Reading

Paul: I read The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Me: Did you like it? Paul: Well, it was fairly well-written. And I’m glad a horror book won a Pulitzer. But you get to the end and — nothing happens. Me: That’s how you can tell it’s literary.Continue Reading