Hi all! It’s that time again — time for the 2024 Clarion West Write-a-thon! 2024 Write-a-thon home Sponsor me in the Write-a-thon! Bookmark this page for updates as the Write-a-Thon (WAT) progresses. This year, my goal is to spend 13 hours each week writing. Sunday June 16 I’m already offContinue Reading

Note: on Friday the Thirteenth I always tried to post a dream sequence to Goth House, usually a nightmare. I had this idea that I would finally start doing regular Goth House comics again, and I really tried to make it work, but the idea I had wasn’t a dreamContinue Reading

Critical God Theory

There’s a dangerous, radical philosophy being used to indoctrinate our kids, and they call it Critical God Theory. Critical God Theory (CGT) teaches that the entire history of the universe cannot be viewed as an outcome of natural science or human history, but instead must be considered through the viewpointContinue Reading

Fighting the Moon comes out on February 16, Mardi Gras. If this were a normal year, in New Orleans, the last two weeks before Mardi Gras would be an absolute whirlwind of parades, krewe balls, and events of all kinds. So I’m going to kick off with a photo ofContinue Reading

I’m dropping this blog post in here to provide a handy place to consolidate anti-cult resources. Twitter thread: https://twitter.com/mcjulie/status/1328725070882095106 One very unfortunate fact: prying people out of cults is not scalable. You might be able to get your own brother out of a cult, but you can’t get everyone outContinue Reading

Dear Trump voters: On, Saturday November 8, 2020, major news outlets started calling the presidential election for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. I don’t know all the details governing when media outlets feel safe calling the results of an election, but it has to do with answering, in a mathContinue Reading

“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help.” —Ronald Reagan, 1986 When Ronald Reagan defeated incumbent Jimmy Carter in 1980, I was fourteen and too young to vote, but (according to the mock election we had in my juniorContinue Reading

I haven’t checked social media yet. (And, as I write this, I’m determined not to. I’m not even googling to find out things like “which amendment was Prohibition again?” so I apologize, in advance, for factual errors or areas of vagueness.) About 20 minutes ago (at the start of writingContinue Reading

Part of the 2020 Clarion West Write-a-thon series! Sponsor me, sponsor another writer, or learn more about the Write-a-thon When I went to Clarion West, I had a room of my own. It was a room designed to hold four young sorority women during the normal academic year — IContinue Reading

Inspired by this Washington Post article: Quarantine is endless dirty dishes. It was always a running joke in the Goth House comic that the house, in spite of being inhabited by a bunch of gothy posers who acted as if they survived entirely on coffee and cigarettes (and possibly blood),Continue Reading