Note: on Friday the Thirteenth I always tried to post a dream sequence to Goth House, usually a nightmare. I had this idea that I would finally start doing regular Goth House comics again, and I really tried to make it work, but the idea I had wasn’t a dreamContinue Reading

Inspired by this Washington Post article: Quarantine is endless dirty dishes. It was always a running joke in the Goth House comic that the house, in spite of being inhabited by a bunch of gothy posers who acted as if they survived entirely on coffee and cigarettes (and possibly blood),Continue Reading

Hey everybody! I wanted to revive the tradition of publishing a Goth House nightmare on Friday the 13th, but since everything in real life is pretty nightmarish right now, I was having trouble figuring out a script. I looked through the archives for inspiration, and saw this: Owen’s Nightmare, originallyContinue Reading

Originally published 2008, not sure what time of year. The characters are me and my husband, not the Goth House characters. The files are all called “Night” so I guess that’s the name of the comic? Which is weird because I don’t actually remember and there isn’t a title page.Continue Reading

Originally published March 20, 2003. The first panel is because I interrupted an ongoing storyline with all the Goth House characters reimagined as supervillains, in order to write about the Iraq Invasion. The first phrase “I rarely get topical with the comic” doesn’t mean that I rarely got political. MockingContinue Reading