
My Radcon panel schedule is below the cut.

Fri Feb 12 4:00:pm Fri Feb 12 5:00:pm Is Gore Horror ?
Cobalt Join us in a frank discussion on what is horror and what is gratuitous violence.
Jenna Pittman Lorelei Shannon McGalliard, Julie Morgan, Christine Rousselle, Allan
Fri Feb 12 5:00:pm Fri Feb 12 6:00:pm Making a Successful On Line Comic
Cobalt Reach fans by the millions! Rake in the big bucks! Have thousands of worshipful fans! Welcome to the real world of on-line comics.
Jordan, Joey McGalliard, Julie York, J. Steven INFOCUS 1
Fri Feb 12 7:00:pm Fri Feb 12 8:00:pm Opening Ceremonies
Bronze Room Opening Ceremonies. Dancing, music, comedy, A new and totally unimaginably evil joke on Jay Lake. This is RadCon Opening Ceremonies. An event like no other.
Adams, Alexander James Alexander, Alma Allen, Andrea Andrew Foster Armstrong, Forrest Becky Woods Ben Mikaelsen Bennett, Jeanette Benton-Hull, Bobbie Berry, DiAnne Bonalow, Cory Breazile, Courtney Burk, Jeff Calhoun, Dia Cherryh, CJ Cole, C.S. Cooper, Brenda Dannielle Parker Datlow, Ellen Dronet, Dragon Dubrick, Daniel Dustin Gross ElizaBeth Gilligan Elliot, Elton Eric Morget Ferrari, Mark Fiscus, Jim Fredericks, Deby Freeman-Daily, Janet Gay Haldeman Glass, Gail Goldman, David Good, Lenora Gordon, Eve Gross, Harold Gunn, Eileen Herring, Douglas Hirzel, David Horchheimer, Chrissy Howe, Andrea Hugh Gregory Jackson, Blunt Janna Silverstein Jeff Ayers Jenna Pittman Jennifer Brozek Jim Glass Joey Jordan John A Pitts John lamar John McDonald John R. Gray III John W. Dalmas John Whiting Johnson, Jeremy Robert Joyce Reynolds-Ward Julia Andrijeski Kamilla Miller Kay Kenyon Kehrli, Keffy Khan of Ignition Kingdoms fo Chivalry Kristine Kathryn Rusch Kuran, Peter Laurel Anne Hill Leaverton, Elly Leonhard, Herb Letourneau, Andie Letourneau, Guy Lizzy Shannon Lorelei Shannon Lori White Louise Marley Lovely, Bob Manny Frishbert Margaret Bonham Margaret H. Bonham Marti McKenna Maureen McQuerry McGalliard, Julie McKenna, Bridget Mellick III, Carlton Metzger, Darragh Michael Ehart Michaela Eaves Michelle Watson Michelle Watson Mike McWatters Mike Shepherd Moscoe Miki Garrison Mitchell, Vicki Molinar, Angela Morgan, Christine Nisi Shawl Niven, Larry Nordley, Gerald David O’Kelly, Katherine Orsborn, Frieda Pack, Shawn Patrick Swenson Pedraza, Carlos Pierce, Cameron Quinn, Brendan Radford, Irene Renee Stern Revel, Darien Rhiannon Louve Rick Sternbach Roberta Gregory Robinette-Kowal, Mary Rose Okeefe Rousselle, Allan Ruth Frey Ruth Garcia Saenz, Inge Sara Mueller Sarah Clemens Sarah Webb Saranna Dewylde Shamel, Kevin Simonson, Sheila Smith, Dean Wesley Stacey Janssen Sturgeon, Jeff Sue Bolich Suzanne Selfors Taylor, Bruce Ted Butler Thiel, Anna Tim Kirk Troupe Du Soliel Verna McKinnon Volpe, Chad Wallenfels, Stephen Wells, Patty West, Jen Wilkes, Ann Willich, Dameon Winters, Christine D. York, Christina York, J. Steven INFOCUS 1 INFOCUS 2
Sat Feb 13 9:00:am Sat Feb 13 10:00:am Science of the Effective All-Nighter
Garnet Learn the ins and outs of how to pull an effective all nighter.
Burk, Jeff McGalliard, Julie Mike Shepherd Moscoe Miki Garrison Wells, Patty
Sat Feb 13 11:00:am Sat Feb 13 12:00:pm The History of Steampunk
Cobalt From Vernes to Powers the history of steampunk.
McGalliard, Julie Mike Shepherd Moscoe
Sat Feb 13 1:00:pm Sat Feb 13 2:00:pm LOTR in Art
Cobalt An exploration of the Lord Of The Rings’ impact on modern art.
Leonhard, Herb McGalliard, Julie Sturgeon, Jeff Tim Kirk Willich, Dameon
Sat Feb 13 3:00:pm Sat Feb 13 4:00:pm Evil
Emerald Evil, not the campy evil. Not the self destructive orgy of of manem, but true, sustaining evil. It ain’t easy.
Cole, C.S. Kay Kenyon McGalliard, Julie Radford, Irene Taylor, Bruce
Sat Feb 13 5:00:pm Sat Feb 13 6:00:pm Digital Art
Emerald What does it take to do good digital art? We’re talking more than photo shop here!
Herring, Douglas John R. Gray III McGalliard, Julie Quinn, Brendan Sturgeon, Jeff Toland, Tiffany