Grr. My no-LJ-memes rule is colliding against my deeply held moral views. Because I happen to be a chick married legally and all to a dude, this does apply to me: ———– Copy this sentence into your livejournal if you’re in a non-same-sex marriage, and you don’t want it “protected”Continue Reading

Or, why, sometimes it might be better just to not touch anything. So, our Halloween party decorations are in a storage closet. This storage closet also contains occasional-use items like camping equipment, as well as a great many boxes of “I don’t think I can just throw this out, andContinue Reading

Today I just became aware of perhaps the strangest of the strange Obama rumors traveling through the email-o-sphere: that Obama had been employing Voodoo against McCain, which causes him to writhe around and grimace uncontrollably. I just want to set the record straight here. Yes, there is voodoo being employedContinue Reading

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed a crude spray-paint job on Dino Rossi’s name on the large campaign sign in the yard of an insurance place near where I work. The McCain/Palin sign had a penis painted on it. Yesterday, I noticed that our neighbor’s Obama/Biden sign had beenContinue Reading