So, Richard Dawkins is helping to start a new atheist summer camp. It’s more than just an atheist summer camp — it’s a skeptic indoctrination summer camp: "Camp-goers aged eight to 17 will also be taught how to disprove phenomena such as crop circles and telepathy. In the Invisible UnicornContinue Reading

I am back from Alaska. All my digital photos up here: Ah, brave new world of instant gratification. I took photos with my manual telephoto as well, but it’ll take a bit for me to get to those. Anyway, the Alaska photos went up right away just because paulcarpContinue Reading

Just came home through the back yard. There was a black cat in the yard of the same size and general type as Daughter, one of the spayed feral cats we have been feeding for the past ten years. So I assumed it was Daughter. Then she came up toContinue Reading

Saw Star Trek over the weekend and was pleasantly surprised. It’s simply a good time at the movies — funny, fast-moving, occasionally touching, and full of life. My expectations were not high after the dismal double-whammy of Nemesis and Enterprise managed to suck the last tiny spark of vitality outContinue Reading

April is national poetry month, so I thought I would talk about poetry. And then I didn’t finish this while it was still April. Anyway, for those of you who don’t actually want to read about poetry, my gluteal injury seems to be healing and my butt is significantly lessContinue Reading

So I have a working theory now: fashion is experiencing something like the “long tail” effect that is happening in other art forms — increasing segmentation. So instead of propagating through the culture as a whole, fashion trends are more likely to appear as either an entirely new sub-genre (suchContinue Reading