Last night kenscholes was in Bellingham, so that today he can read and sign his book Lamentation at Village Books. All of these things are awesome. (Ken, Bellingham, his book, and Village Books). I tagged along on a pub crawl with Ken and his awesome wife jens_fire, who is pregnantContinue Reading

There are things I think about when we visit my grandmother. Her house has always been heavy with two themes, Disney and religion. My grandfather, after getting out of the navy, worked for Disneyland for some amazing amount of time before retiring, fifty years maybe? He had a special plaqueContinue Reading

I started writing this as a comment on this post by bjcooper, then it got long. So, here are my thoughts on “social networking” sites… A few years ago I started complaining about how my friends never bothered to send email anymore, they just talked about stuff on LiveJournal. (Or,Continue Reading

I followed "The Wish," as I often do, with "Doppelgangland". This episode is from later in season three, and it’s a direct follow-up to "The Wish." We meet Anya the (ex) vengeance demon again, and, oh yeah, Evil Vampire Willow makes another appearance. In fact, she gets a lot moreContinue Reading

I wanted to follow up my somewhat controversial anti-cake position with what I imagine is an even more controversial opinion: I hate jeans. I do not wear them. Ever. I wore jeans like everybody else until I had an epiphany somewhere in the middle of college — I realized that,Continue Reading

Saw this over the weekend. It’s excellent at being exactly the movie it intends to be, and exactly the movie you want when you watch a low budget horror comedy called Zombie Strippers. Plenty of zombies. Plenty of strippers. And plenty of zombie strippers. It’s ninety minutes long, and there’sContinue Reading

So, the PI had this article about a woman who gave up refined sugar for a year. The thing that amazed and annoyed me about this article was the way giving up sugar was treated as being such a big deal. You know, a "test of willpower," a "reflection onContinue Reading

Last night’s make-dishes-tolerable randomly-selected entertainment was season three Buffy episode "The Wish." It remains one of my favorites. It has a solid story, fascinating alt-world building, fabulous new characters, a devastating emotional punch, and is one of very few Buffy episodes to actually be, mostly, a horror story. Maybe IContinue Reading

It’s almost Christmas and I’m sitting in the exercise room. It used to be my brother Michael’s room. Then I think it was the sewing room, but now the room that used to be my room is the sewing room, unless John’s old room is now the sewing room. AtContinue Reading