Drinking heavily on election night has become one of my personal traditions. That means, no matter what happens, I’m hungover the next day. It just seems… appropriate. So, I brainstorm a path to a more positive future, because otherwise the only thing in my head is my burning desire toContinue Reading

I find it weird that Dino Rossi ends up looking like such a tool even in his own ads. But I’m worried. I don’t have a television, really, so I only see TV in bars and gyms. And I keep seeing his stupid ads, and generic anti-Democrat ads, and itContinue Reading

I am on the following panels: Tense Viewpoint – Friday 3pm Killing Off Characters – Friday 4pm Strong In Body, Stronger In Mind – Friday 5pm Good Villains – Saturday Noon Buffy vs Edward; What Would Dracula Think? – Saturday 5pm Religion In Fantasy And Science Fiction – Sunday 10amContinue Reading

On September 1, 2010, Paul and I will officially cease being residents of 1319 Indian Street, after being there since 1993. That’s seventeen years. At that same time, we will cease being residents of Bellingham altogether. Twenty years for me, longer for Paul. In honor of this, on August 28,Continue Reading

But this morning I’m so… tired… I googled “evelyn evelyn” so that I could post future tour dates: http://www.evelynevelyn.com/news.html Google provided me “controversy” as a possible — what would you call that? Phrase completer? Anyway, so that’s how I found out there is a controversy. I guess. http://community.feministing.com/2010/02/evelyn-evelyn-fandom-and-joke.html On theContinue Reading

Showbox at the Market tonight: http://www.showboxonline.com/market/eventdetail.php?id=26985 I am going and hope to run into Seattle people there. Actually, I’m hoping to run into Seattle goth community people who I haven’t seen since the Sisters of Mercy concert, but I dunno how likely that is. And if I’m alllll alllloooone that’sContinue Reading

How ‘The Karate Kid’ ruined the modern world (by introducing the concept of the training montage) So, people bail on diets. Not just because they’re harder than they expected, but because they’re so much harder it seems unfair, almost criminally unjust. You can’t shake the bitter thought that, "This amountContinue Reading

Friday, 1:00 p.m., Evergreen 1 Are Vampires Just for Tweens? Friday, 3:00 p.m., Cascade 10 Did the Revolution of the `60s Succeed? Friday, 10:00 p.m., Cascade 4 Zombies: How Do They Happen? Saturday, 11:00 a.m., Cascade 5 Old-Fashioned Horror Saturday, 8:00- 10:00 p.m., Evergreen 2 Talebones Live! Saturday, 10:00 p.m.,Continue Reading

Back during the Clinton years (remember those?) when Democrats failed to pass "Hillarycare," Paul and I had a debate with my parents about health care reform. I wasn’t a huge fan of the Clinton plan, I thought it was weak and vague. But the conflict with my parents wasn’t aboutContinue Reading